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 A psy question!

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Ghetto Greg

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A psy question! Empty
PostSubject: A psy question!   A psy question! EmptyAugust 10th 2010, 9:51 pm

I wanna start leveling my psy again one day but I don't know how. r.r
He is level 100 and his build is, 120 sta xxxxxint with int awakes. But the only gear I have for em is vag awakes and I doubt I can aoe in that. :<
So, should I either get the set before the level 105 set (dunno what its called) Or re-duct a psykon set? And like what kinda set do I need to aoe in? Like an epic set or a decent +5 set or so? :<
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Adept Assassin
Adept Assassin

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A psy question! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A psy question!   A psy question! EmptyAugust 11th 2010, 5:33 am

The best would be a Psykon (105 set) but a Genuin (90) is far from a bad set. You should aoe just fine with a +5 3/3 set with ok awakes.
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