Enlighten of Demian
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 Enlighten Rules and Guidelines

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omg its Jenn LOLZOR

Posts : 207
Join date : 2009-05-24

Enlighten Rules and Guidelines Empty
PostSubject: Enlighten Rules and Guidelines   Enlighten Rules and Guidelines EmptyMay 24th 2009, 1:54 am



You must be active. If you're just gonna clog space, you may leave. >:
Don't be a shy guy. Make sure you chat in the guild chat every once in a while.
Do not spam.
Be friendly to your Guild Mates. If you have a disagreement, do it in a mature manner (rofl).
Do not beg for Plvls, Penya, Tanking, or anything that has the potential to annoy people.


Get to 60k contri (not sure about the amount yet) for supporter rank, captains and kingpins are handpicked.


All members have to register in the Official Forums.


If you are going on a vacation, please Mail NigHt or one of the Kingpins, or post on these forums.

If you have any questions or need anything clarified, please send me a PM.

Last edited by Nighty on March 28th 2010, 5:38 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Outdated rules are ftl :P)
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