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 Penya, we all need it and love it.

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Age : 27

Penya, we all need it and love it. Empty
PostSubject: Penya, we all need it and love it.   Penya, we all need it and love it. EmptyDecember 12th 2009, 9:35 pm

I plan on getting to 75 before actually going to Azria. I have 4 hours on school days (3 every now and then) and the whole day most weekends. How much would I make at around that level per session in Azria?
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Join date : 2009-06-11

Penya, we all need it and love it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Penya, we all need it and love it.   Penya, we all need it and love it. EmptyDecember 13th 2009, 8:51 am

As you level, the profit gets better and better.
At first, you won't be getting too many blues and penya, but it reaches the best point at Kings and Mams, but Kings really are the best.
It is easily possible to make 200M in a few hours at Kings with a party.
Mams aren't too bad either.
So yeah, try to train on Kings whenever you can, even if the exp is horrible.
If you manage to get a nice Ranerz, you can start to Aoe kings as early as 97.(That was in V12 though) Ah, makes me think, back in V12, aoeing was so easy as a ranger, with the 0's from suit elementing.
I could tank the whole Kings spawn at 98, but then, v13 messed up everything.

Anyway, you'll be making some money in Azria for sure, but it only gets really good at Kings~Mams.
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First Job
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Join date : 2009-05-24
Age : 27

Penya, we all need it and love it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Penya, we all need it and love it.   Penya, we all need it and love it. EmptyDecember 13th 2009, 9:09 am

Will the first early levels (Yettis-Princes) at least make enough to pay back 2 Azrias 1-days?
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First Job
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Join date : 2009-06-06

Penya, we all need it and love it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Penya, we all need it and love it.   Penya, we all need it and love it. EmptyDecember 13th 2009, 12:43 pm

I got 19m out of blues, 9 suns and 4 moons in 2~3h at prince

So yeah.
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Penya, we all need it and love it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Penya, we all need it and love it.   Penya, we all need it and love it. Empty

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